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- /* Includeheader
- Name: SDI_ASM_STD_protos
- Versionstring: $VER: SDI_ASM_STD_protos.h 1.13 (31.05.97)
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: my replacement for standard ANSI functions
- 1.9 18.11.96 : converted text into english language, changed C++ comments
- to C ones
- 1.10 29.11.96 : added printf
- 1.11 06.02.97 : added exit prototype
- 1.12 28.03.97 : added some additionally defines (AMIGA_TO_ANSI), added
- vsprintf
- 1.13 31.05.97 : fixed SDI_isprintf
- */
- /* These are mainly the normal ANSI C functions, but with an ASM interface.
- You can replace them by their normal functions supplied with your compiler,
- but do not mix them up (one object file standard, the other one SDI).
- differences:
- toupper and tolower: chars (0x41 to 0x5A) and (0xC0 to 0xDE) are upper
- chars (0x61 to 0x79) and (0xE0 to 0xFE) are lower (some more than in ANSI)
- isprint: chars (0x20 to 0x7E) and (0xA0 to 0xFF) are printable
- sprintf and printf: only support exec/RawDoFmt format strings
- and some I do not remember.
- all: return values may not match ANSI-C ones
- printf: Use this function only for programs need to work under OS1.3. For
- OS2.0 (and up) only programs use dos.library/amiga.lib Printf function.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #ifdef __MAXON__
- #define __asm
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- BYTE __asm SDI_strnicmp(register __a0 STRPTR, /* string 1 */
- register __a1 STRPTR, /* string 2 */
- register __d1 ULONG); /* highest testlength */
- BYTE __asm SDI_strncmp( register __a0 STRPTR, /* string 1 */
- register __a1 STRPTR, /* string 2 */
- register __d1 ULONG); /* highest testlength */
- UBYTE __asm SDI_tolower(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- UBYTE __asm SDI_toupper(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- ULONG __asm SDI_strlen( register __a0 STRPTR); /* string */
- ULONG __asm SDI_isprint(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- ULONG __asm SDI_isdigit(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- ULONG __asm SDI_isxdigit(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- ULONG __asm SDI_isalnum(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- ULONG __asm SDI_isupper(register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to convert */
- ULONG __asm SDI_strtoul(register __a1 STRPTR, /* buffer */
- register __a0 UBYTE **, /* UBYTE var for error position */
- register __d2 UBYTE); /* base */
- ULONG __asm SDI_strtol( register __a1 STRPTR, /* buffer */
- register __a0 UBYTE **, /* UBYTE var for error position */
- register __d2 UBYTE); /* base */
- STRPTR __asm SDI_strncpy(register __a1 STRPTR, /* string 1 */
- register __a0 STRPTR, /* string 2 */
- register __d1 ULONG); /* highest copy number */
- void __asm SDI_memset( register __a1 APTR, /* buffer */
- register __d0 UBYTE, /* fill character */
- register __d1 ULONG); /* number of bytes */
- STRPTR __asm SDI_strchr(register __a1 STRPTR, /* buffer */
- register __d0 UBYTE); /* character to scan for */
- void __asm SDI_vsprintf(register __a3 STRPTR, /* buffer */
- register __a0 STRPTR, /* formatstring */
- register __a1 APTR); /* data */
- void SDI_sprintf(STRPTR, STRPTR, ...); /* buffer, formatstring, data */
- void SDI_printf(STRPTR, ...); /* formatstring, data */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #define SDI_stricmp(a,b) SDI_strnicmp(a,b,~0)
- #define SDI_strcmp(a,b) SDI_strncmp(a,b,~0)
- #define SDI_strcpy(a,b) SDI_strncpy(a,b,~0)
- /* Set SDI_TO_ANSI if you want to use normal ANSI names. Do not include
- the ANSI files stdio.h / stdlib.h ... , because this may result in an error */
- #ifdef SDI_TO_ANSI
- #define strnicmp SDI_strnicmp
- #define strncmp SDI_strncmp
- #define stricmp SDI_stricmp
- #define strcmp SDI_strcmp
- #define tolower SDI_tolower
- #define toupper SDI_toupper
- #define strlen SDI_strlen
- #define isprint SDI_isprint
- #define isdigit SDI_isdigit
- #define isxdigit SDI_isxdigit
- #define isalnum SDI_isalnum
- #define strtoul SDI_strtoul
- #define strtol SDI_strtol
- #define strncpy SDI_strncpy
- #define strcpy SDI_strcpy
- #define strchr SDI_strchr
- #define memset SDI_memset
- #define sprintf SDI_sprintf
- #define printf SDI_printf
- #define vsprintf SDI_vsprintf
- extern void exit(int);
- #endif
- /* Use the following with care, as they may collide with ANSI-C Standard
- a lot more, than the above ones. The FILE * parameter of the functions
- is converted into a filehandle of dos.library. Do not mix normal ANSI-C
- and these functions! */
- /* These defines are in experimental state !!! */
- #ifdef AMIGA_TO_ANSI
- #define memcpy(a,b,c) CopyMem(b,a,c)
- #define remove(a) !DeleteFile(a)
- #define rename(a,b) !Rename(a,b)
- #define putchar(a) FPutC(Output(),a)
- #define putc(a, b) FPutC((ULONG) b, a)
- #define getchar() FGetC(Input())
- #define getc(a) FGetC((ULONG) a)
- #define ungetc(a,b) UnGetC((ULONG) b,a)
- #define vprintf(a,b) VPrintf(a,b)
- #define vfprintf(a,b,c) VFPrintf((ULONG) a, b, c)
- #define fclose(a) Close(a)
- #endif
- #endif /* SDI_ASM_STD_PROTOS_H */